
Hanoi Weather in June

For the sunshine-land lovers: Why not visiting Hanoi in June? That’s a good chance to contemplate the beauty of Delonix regia, which is associated with student life, examinations, and graduation. Visiting Hanoi in June, you easily can see the traditional white Ao Dai of beautiful young girls being on their bicycles and slowly riding through streets. Hot season in Hanoi officially starts from end of May to the end of August. In June, the temperature is little higher (about 26°C – 33°C) and quite muggy but the unexpected rains will dispel the unpleasant feeling. 

Hoan Kiem Lake in June


Hanoi in June

Who wants to refuse Hanoi beauty in June?

When the Lagerstroemia is faded after rains, Hanoi picks up the sunshine, which makes her weather change. It seems to be that the sun wants to present the city with a new coat. Hanoi is likely a grub molting into a magical butterfly, which attracts people by the daily-life colors. The whole city is undoubtedly at its best when the sunlight is mixed with the hundred-year-old tree lines on the particular streets such as Hoang Dieu, Phan Dinh Phung, Dien Bien Phu, Hoang Hoa Tham, Nguyen Du and so on. Sometimes, the cool breeze flows the daily pressure of Hanoians away and inspire them more.

Hanoi in June